Writing Warriors – Advocacy through Correspondence

CCWP’s new Writing Warriors project was initiated at the  beginning of the COVID pandemic, when in-person visiting became impossible. Writing Warriors opened up the possibility of being in contact with more people incarcerated at women’s prisons at a time when people were more isolated and stressed than ever.  Because of the success of the program,  it has now become a permanent part of CCWP’s communication and advocacy with people in women’s prisons.

Writing Warriors is a collective undertaking with others in CCWP to further our mission and programs.  In this way it is different from a traditional prison pen pal program that connects people individually.

Writing Warriors aims to:

  • Establish supportive relationships with women, trans and GNC people at CCWF and CIW.
  • Provide limited forms of advocacy for people when possible, based upon the information and methods that CCWP visiting teams use.
  • Be a vehicle for sharing written resources and materials and for promoting other forms of collaborative learning.

If you are interested in becoming involved with Writing Warriors please email info@womenprisoners.org.